Copyright 2013. Imagine That Preschool. All rights reserved.

We hope you feel better soon.  We miss you and hope you will hurry back so we can play!

Makeup Day Policy
If your child is sick and misses a day he or she is scheduled to attend, we are happy to allow you to substitute another non-scheduled day to make up for the sick day missed.

The absence may be made up if the following conditions apply:

    • The absence must be a result of the sickness of your child and not the sickness of a family member or anyone else.

    • Routine doctor and dental visits do not count as an illness and do not qualify for make-up days.
    • The day must be made up within one week from the day of the absence.
    • The current month’s tuition must be paid in full.
    • A maximum of two illness make-up days will be allowed each month. Scheduled closings for school holidays do not qualify for make-up day credit.
 Please coordinate with the staff to schedule the makeup day.
Please note: 

(1) We do not offer Tuition  Reduction

​(2) Full tuition is due each month from September 1 to May 31 of each           year. 

(3) We do not offer make up days for days your child misses due to vacations.